Friday, August 27, 2010

Breast Cancer Lumps

Breast Cancer Lumps

Breast Cancer Lumps

Breast Cancer Lumps

If you find a lump in your breast, it could be a cancerous breast lump. You could feel this lump by a routine breast self-exam. Presence of a lump could be unusual to you. It could be stressful for a woman to check a lump so a doctor could say it better.

Breast Cancer Lumps

Breast Cancer Lumps

If you find any kind of lump in any part of your breast it is important to check by a physician. Still it doesn’t means that presence of a lump is a cancer because almost 80% of all lumps are benign means non-cancerous.

Cancerous Breast Lump

Cancerous Breast Lump

The size of a lump in initial is like of pea. The lump with rough edge, pain and hard, can be a malignant tumor. Cancerous breast lump is not fatty or glandular. It is not smooth but of rough edge. Check your both breasts; if you do not find lump in both breasts then go to see your doctor.

Some of the signs that suggests of cancerous breast lump:

  • The lump should be hard and firm
  • the cancerous lump cannot distinguish easily as it is as small as a pea.
  • the cancerous lump does not move anywhere when you push it
  • if there is only one lump it suggests of cancerous breast lump
  • if there are different kind of lumps in both breasts it indicates of a cancerous breast lump.
  • the breast possessing cancerous lump is dimpled
  • the cancerous lump breast discharge bloody fluid

Some of the signs that suggests of non-cancerous breast lump:

  • the lump should be soft
  • the benign lump (non-cancerous) moves easily 
  • presence of number of lumps indicates of benign breast lump

Breast Mammogram

Breast Mammogram

Without testing a lump in a Breast Mammogram or in USG (ultra-sono-gram) it will be difficult for a woman or a physician to tell about the breast cancer. Breast Biopsy can also detect this disease. For a biopsy a sample of breast lump is taken and seen it under the microscope to identify cancer cells. This test will decide whether the lump/tumor is benign or malignant.

Breast Biopsy

Breast Biopsy

Other warnings of this problem are:

  • Breast lump get harder and larger
  • Inverted nipples
  • Bloody discharge from the nipple
  • Color of the skin changes and looks like an orange-peel
  • Breast may become red and dimpled too

Clinical Breast Exam

Clinical Breast Exam

Beside these signs it is not necessary that your breast lumps are cancerous, sometimes it is nothing than a cyst. So don’t worry and don’t hesitate to show your breast to your physician and have a Nice Clinical Breast Exam.

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