Thursday, August 26, 2010

Signs Of Breast Cancer

Signs of Breast Cancer are:

Signs of Breast Cancer

The first sign:

Early Signs Of Breast Cancer

Early Signs Of Breast Cancer

The most common first sign of the breast cancer is a lump in the breast- Sometimes small, hard lumps in the armpit may be a sign that breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. Although these lumps are often painless, they may be tender. Sometimes the lump is found on a screening mammogram before it can be felt. The lump is present all the time and does not get smaller or go away with the menstrual cycle. The lump may be tender, but it is usually not painful. Pain is more often a symptom of a benign cancer, but should be checked by a doctor.

Lump In Breast

Lump In Breast

The second sign:

Breast Dimple

Breast Dimple

A change in the shape or size of the breast is the second sign. There is often dimpling or indentation of the skin with the formation of wrinkles. The nipple might be pulled in. The dimple readily appears especially when the breast is moved. As the cancer progresses, an ulcer is formed with partial edema of the breast skin, prominent hair holes and an orange-peel appearance.

The third sign:

Breast Itching

Breast Itching

Itching of the breast or nipple may be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer. Itchiness is often not relieved by ointments, creams or other medications.

The fourth sign:

Nipple Discharge

Nipple Discharge 

Unusual discharge from the nipple that may be clear, bloody, or another color. It's usually caused by benign conditions but could be due to cancer in some cases.

The fifth sign:

Inverted Nipple

Inverted Nipple

Inverted nipple – nipple turns inwards is the sign of breast cancer.

Signs Of Breast Cancer

Signs of Breast Cancer

Most Signs Of Breast Cancer are visually observable and highlight the need for regular breast self exams. While breast cancer cannot be prevented, early detection of cancer warning signs and early diagnosis dramatically increases the likelihood of successful treatment.

Breast Self Exam

Breast Self Exam

Breast development and maturation is a response to hormonal changes at puberty, during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, at childbirth and at menopause.

 In addition, fat content in the breasts changes with the bodies overall weight gain or loss. It is good to have a sudden check up with the doctor once you find these kinds of symptoms.



To be on the safer sides, one can have regular mammogram appointments.

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